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The Key to Success Starts With This…

The Key to Success Starts With This…

There is One Mental Move that Has the Potential to Improve Almost Any Situation You Will Ever Encounter.

You see there is only one source of supply, and that source is available to all of us.  If we see someone enjoying a full, abundant and successful life, they don’t have access to anything that we don’t have, everything that comes into our lives comes from the same source … God or Spirit.

You see, Spirit is omnipresent, which means it is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time.  All the knowledge that there ever was, or ever will be is also 100% evenly present in all places at the same time.

Wright Brothers

Think of the Wright brothers.  They didn’t invent some force that didn’t exist before, they just became aware of how to get a plane into the air, the knowledge to do that was always here, they just became aware of how to do it.

Decision… is the triggering mechanism to tap into the knowledge necessary, to bring about the good that we desire.  So … as Spiritual beings … we have access to everything we’ll ever want or need to live the life we choose.  Our degree of awareness of this truth will manifest as results in our lives, through our actions.

So the trick then is to tap into the thoughts we need, to build ideas that we can put into action so that the good that we desire can be brought into our lives.  So how do we do this?

By making this mental move called Decision.  Decision-making is so important that Napoleon Hill devoted an entire chapter in his book Think and Grow Rich on the subject.

In that chapter he said:

“Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million-dollar mark disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of REACHING DECISIONS PROMPTLY, and of changing these decisions SLOWLY, if, and when they were changed. People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, IF AT ALL, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.”

We all know people who, when a decision needs to be made they go and ask everyone and their brother what they think they should do.  They talk it through and say yea your right that’s what I’ll do … and then, what do they do?  They go off to someone else and say … what do you think I should do?

These people are incisive and have weak decision muscles.  They’re the people who Hill said …

“are, easily influenced by the “opinions” of others. They permit the newspapers and the “gossiping” neighbors to do their “thinking” for them”

Decision making is not taught in school, it’s not some class you can take, but it is a skill that we can develop … and those who develop this skill … those who make definite decisions, go to the top.  And those who don’t … they seem to go nowhere.

So, how do you develop this mental ability?  You just have to do it.  Once you have the proper information and by practicing certain disciplines, you can become an effective decision-maker.

The word decision comes from the Latin word caedere, which means to cut.  So the word decision literally means to cut one’s self from all other possibilities.

Decision-making brings order to your mind and this order is reflected in your outer world, in your results.  To make decisions, you must be prepared to take total responsibility for the outcome of your decisions.  This is something that many people don’t like doing.  They try to avoid making decisions, thinking that they are “playing it safe”.  But you cannot avoid making decisions.

When you accept responsibility for changing the conditions of your life, you must identify some important purpose, goal, or objective… something you want very much.  When you have a clear purpose, decision-making becomes much easier.

Remember, decision-making is a habit and you can have anything you seriously want and believe you can have.  Your potential is infinite.  You can never run out of opportunities to grow.

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Decide what you Want…

Decide what you’re prepared to give up to receive it…

and get to work!

To your massive success,

Ed Reiner

The Truth About Content Marketing Every Home Business Entrepreneur Needs to Know

Every home business entrepreneur wants get more traffic and that’s a fact! The secrets in this article will guide ANY home business entrepreneur who needs content marketing help to get things done a lot faster!


 Click here for the complete article

Overall, this content marketing article put some real power in your corner as a home business entrepreneur. But don’t forget, there’s a lot more to content marketing success, especially if you want to get get more traffic.  So don’t let this article be the end of your journey, but rather the beginning of your quest for more knowledge.

To your massive success,

How We Learn Something New

We learn something new every day though we may not always be aware of it.  When we are to learn something new it sometimes can be frustrating.  We can cut down that frustration if we understand the stages we go through when we learn something new.

In this short video I reveal the four stages we learn things.


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To your massive network marketing success,

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Repetition is the Mother of All Learning

Repetition is the mother of all learning, is a phrase we’ve all heard before and it’s true.  Everything we’ve learned or will learn, we’ve learned through repetition.  To achieve success in network marketing or any business for that matter we must learn new skills and change old paradigms.  Repetition is vital when working at this change.

In the video below I will reveal why repetition is vital when learning new skills and changing paradigms.

I hope you found value in this post and if you did then leave a comment below.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

To your massive online success,

Stop banging your head on the wall and struggling to build your business online. There’s an easier way. Make the Decision, Right Now, that you’re going to do what it takes to succeed. There’s a simple system that I discovered and many top producers are using to create incomes that some only dream about. Give yourself the success you deserve – Click Here For Instant Access
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