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The Key to Success Starts With This…

The Key to Success Starts With This…

There is One Mental Move that Has the Potential to Improve Almost Any Situation You Will Ever Encounter.

You see there is only one source of supply, and that source is available to all of us.  If we see someone enjoying a full, abundant and successful life, they don’t have access to anything that we don’t have, everything that comes into our lives comes from the same source … God or Spirit.

You see, Spirit is omnipresent, which means it is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time.  All the knowledge that there ever was, or ever will be is also 100% evenly present in all places at the same time.

Wright Brothers

Think of the Wright brothers.  They didn’t invent some force that didn’t exist before, they just became aware of how to get a plane into the air, the knowledge to do that was always here, they just became aware of how to do it.

Decision… is the triggering mechanism to tap into the knowledge necessary, to bring about the good that we desire.  So … as Spiritual beings … we have access to everything we’ll ever want or need to live the life we choose.  Our degree of awareness of this truth will manifest as results in our lives, through our actions.

So the trick then is to tap into the thoughts we need, to build ideas that we can put into action so that the good that we desire can be brought into our lives.  So how do we do this?

By making this mental move called Decision.  Decision-making is so important that Napoleon Hill devoted an entire chapter in his book Think and Grow Rich on the subject.

In that chapter he said:

“Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million-dollar mark disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of REACHING DECISIONS PROMPTLY, and of changing these decisions SLOWLY, if, and when they were changed. People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, IF AT ALL, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.”

We all know people who, when a decision needs to be made they go and ask everyone and their brother what they think they should do.  They talk it through and say yea your right that’s what I’ll do … and then, what do they do?  They go off to someone else and say … what do you think I should do?

These people are incisive and have weak decision muscles.  They’re the people who Hill said …

“are, easily influenced by the “opinions” of others. They permit the newspapers and the “gossiping” neighbors to do their “thinking” for them”

Decision making is not taught in school, it’s not some class you can take, but it is a skill that we can develop … and those who develop this skill … those who make definite decisions, go to the top.  And those who don’t … they seem to go nowhere.

So, how do you develop this mental ability?  You just have to do it.  Once you have the proper information and by practicing certain disciplines, you can become an effective decision-maker.

The word decision comes from the Latin word caedere, which means to cut.  So the word decision literally means to cut one’s self from all other possibilities.

Decision-making brings order to your mind and this order is reflected in your outer world, in your results.  To make decisions, you must be prepared to take total responsibility for the outcome of your decisions.  This is something that many people don’t like doing.  They try to avoid making decisions, thinking that they are “playing it safe”.  But you cannot avoid making decisions.

When you accept responsibility for changing the conditions of your life, you must identify some important purpose, goal, or objective… something you want very much.  When you have a clear purpose, decision-making becomes much easier.

Remember, decision-making is a habit and you can have anything you seriously want and believe you can have.  Your potential is infinite.  You can never run out of opportunities to grow.

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Decide what you Want…

Decide what you’re prepared to give up to receive it…

and get to work!

To your massive success,

Ed Reiner

Most People Don’t Think

Most People Don’t Think

This post may ruffle some feathers and that’s OK, it’s good to stir up the pot every so often.

The other day I posted this quote on Facebook…

I asked if you agree or disagree and everyone disagreed, but I want you to think about that for a moment.  Most people don’t think and in this post I hope to clarify what Earl meant.

I remember Bob quoting George Bernhard Shaw as saying that, “The average person uses their reasoning factor or they think 2 or 3 times a year.”  He continued by saying, “I’ve become an international expert by thinking 2 or 3 times a week.”


Dr. Ken McFarland one time said…

2% of the people think

3% think they think and…

95% would actually rather die than think.


Henry Ford once pointed out that:

“Thinking is one of the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few people engage in it.”

You may say that everyone thinks, but the truth is hardly anyone thinks.

Take a step back and watch people’s behavior, just study their behavior and you’ll quickly realize they’d never do what they’re doing if they were thinking.

Listen to their conversations, they’d never say what they’re saying if they were thinking.

The truth is most people don’t think.  Now, you might ask, if they’re not thinking then how do they function?  Well, they’ve tricked themselves into thinking that mental activity is thinking.  They’re just letting whatever is going on outside of them control what’s going on inside.

Think about how many times you’ve done this in your own life.  I constantly catch myself reacting to situations and because I now have this awareness I realize I’m not thinking.  So I stop, think, and then respond.  You see, to react requires no thought, but you must think if you’re going to respond.

Now, when we think we build an image and that’s what we want to do.  We want to build an image of how we want our life to be and think of ways we can accomplish it.

I hope by reading this, you’ve gained a new awareness and agree that most people or the average person really doesn’t think.  If you don’t agree, that’s fine by me, it’s your perception of the subject and it’s every bit as right as my perception.

To continue to get more information and ideas like these be sure to subscribe to this page by entering you’re information in the form provided above and to the right.  You’ll be notified when I release new posts that will help raise you’re awareness and move you closer to your goals.

And as always share this post and leave your thoughts and comments below.
To your massive  success,

What is a Paradigm?

The word paradigm has been so overused that many people don’t understand its full meaning. In just the past week I’ve been on several different training calls and this word paradigm has come up and the way it was used and explained was not accurate. In this post, I’m going to reveal to you my understanding of this word paradigm in order to give you a simple way of understanding it.

First off let’s look at how Webster’s dictionary defines paradigm.


: a model or pattern for something that may be copied : a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made or thought about defines paradigm as:


1. a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme. 2. an example serving as a model; pattern. 3. a. framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community. b. such a cognitive framework shared by members of any discipline or group. The best definition I heard for the word Paradigm comes from my mentor Bob Proctor. He says that a paradigm is nothing more than a multitude of habits. It’s a collection of beliefs that are held by a group of people. In his book “It’s Not About the Money” he talks about paradigm’s, let me share what he says: “A paradigm is a collection of beliefs that are held by a group of people. It’s not just one belief held by one person. These beliefs are shared, passed on and believed by generations. Take the paradigm that you need to have a traditional job. Included in this paradigm are these ideas:
  • You must have a job to be a contributing member of society.

  • Those who put in many hours at a job are more committed and deserving.

  • The better your education, the better your job.

  • You must compete with your coworkers and be the best to move ahead.

These ideas are passed on in actions and statements by everyone around us. They’re taught our schools; most of us hand them down to our children. You may not think these ideas are central to your own life. But answer this: When you are first introduced to a new person how often do you ask where they work? If your child or relative says they have no interest in college, how likely are you to be concerned and asked them how they ever to expect to get a good job? If someone tells you they are self-employed, do you wonder if they really mean unemployed and are less than motivated to work? All of these thoughts are evidence of how deeply rooted this paradigm may be.” So as we can see from Bob’s description the word paradigm takes on a different meaning than what we’ve been told by others. To shift our paradigm we need to question our beliefs, where they came from and shift them and our habits to something that is going to serve us as we move forward to achieve our goals. If you want to improve your results and shift the paradigm that: the best way to earn money is through a job, we can help. Click the link below and find out how. Click Here to Shift Your Paradigm To your massive success, Ed Reiner

Law of Attraction does it work or is it a load of Crap?

The Law of Attraction has gotten a lot of attention over the past several years and rightly so, the idea that you can attract whatever you want in life is pretty cool idea isn’t it. But does it really work? The Law of Attraction has been around forever, however it was popularized by Rhonda Byrne’s the movie The Secret, which actually came from a book she was given – The Science of Getting Rich. The Secret gives a simple three step process to use The Law of Attraction to get anything you want.

Step One: Ask

Step two: Believe

Step Three: Receive

That’s it, easy enough, right? Wouldn’t it be great if that’s all there was to it and it were that easy?

Well, it’s not. I don’t care who you are you’re never going to attract the life you want or the money you desire just by sitting around following those three steps. I don’t care how much you visualize and believe I’ve never seen or heard of the new car just appearing out of thin air. A little thing called action needs to come into play. I remember Bob saying one time:

“Belief does not sit the couch and wait for success to arrive.”

I’m so tired of hearing people say that they’re trying to use the Law of Attraction, they’re really focusing on manifesting but nothing’s happening and they’re not going anywhere. It’s sad that these people don’t understand that they actually have to get up off of their duff and actually do something.

Try this simple test I heard one time and see for yourself.

The next time you get really thirsty I want you to sit down at a table and take step one…

Ask that your thirst be satisfied.

Then take step two…

Believe with your whole being that your thirst will be clinched. Really believe, visualize how refreshing it will taste and how refreshed you will feel after you have that water in your body.

Now moved to step three…

Receive the water.

What nothing happened? There’s no water even in front of you. Did you really focus your energy on it? Maybe didn’t believe enough, try again, still nothing, weird. The Law of Attraction must not work. Maybe you need to work on your manifestations, right?

No, the Law of Attraction works just fine, it’s always working. You’re just missing one step. You see, it should be a four step process. Step one and two are correct, I just want you to add one more step before receiving which is now step four. So let’s try this again with this new magical step.

Step 1:

Ask that your thirst be satisfied.

Step 2:

Believe and visualize how refreshing it will be – see the end result.

Step 3:

ACT – get off your ass and get a glass of water!

Step 4:

Put the glass to your lips and … Drink the water.

Now I know that was a ridiculous example, but it’s easy to see why people are getting so frustrated when it comes to the Law of Attraction. They’re thinking too much and not taking any action.

Just act… MOVE!

To really understand this process of the Law of Attraction we need to understand that the Law of Attraction is actually a secondary law to the Law of Vibration. That law that states nothing is at rest everything moves; everything is energy and has a frequency or vibration. Your own body is nothing more than a massive energy at a high speed of vibration.

If you want to consciously work with the Law of Attraction you need to get in harmony with whatever it is you desire, that is to say you’re in the same vibration or frequency.

How do I do that, you may be saying?

You engage one of your higher faculties your imagination, by the way you have 6 faculties of the mind, do you know them? That’s for another post.

Thoughts are energy, highly potent energy, and you build an image, because we think in pictures, as you focus your energy on that image and add feelings to it, you move into your subconscious mind. It’s the ideas in the subconscious mind that alter the vibration you’re in which controls your behavior or actions.

When you get emotional involved with that image, as if it’s already happened, the subconscious doesn’t know the difference between fantasy or reality, that new vibration causes you to take the action that is needed to move you in harmony towards your goal and as you move towards it, it moves towards you hence, the Law of Attraction.

Ok, let’s wrap this up and put a bow on it, shall we?

The Law of Attraction does it work?


Is the Law of Attraction a load of crap?

I hope by now you’ll agree that… no, no it’s not crap, people have been using it the wrong way, looking for the easy way, just to sit back and do nothing.

The Law of Attraction is a real force and it really doesn’t matter if you believe it is or not. It will work regardless. My advice would be not to get hung up on whether it’s a real or not. Am I doing it right? Just do this:

Decide what you want, be specific and write it down.

Build a clear image in your mind, make it real.

Get emotionally involved with that image.

Take the actions that will move you towards that image.

If you take those steps, thinking about your image an much as possible throughout the day, being persistent and taking the necessary action daily in confidence, you’ll reach your goal.

To your massive success,

Stop Trying to Your Manage Time – It’s a Waste of It

One frustration individuals often get while building a online business from home while at the same time working a job and having a family is “not enough time”.  The obvious solution is to better manage ones time, but this can’t be done.  Time cannot be managed as Earl Nightingale once said. In this video I share this frustration with you and what I’ve learned to do to break past that and get far more done than I was previously.

If you enjoyed this video then leave me a comment below and share your thoughts.

To your massive success,