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The benefits of setting up a wordpress blog are many, but the first one I want to share with you is one of my favorites and that is that wordpress is…

That’s right, you heard me, It’s FREE.  The actual wordpress program is free.  Now, you do need to have a hosting account and a domain name, but the business investment for these things and to maintain them is very minimal.

When you set up your own self hosted wordpress blog no one can take it from you.  There are a lot of blogging platforms out there that don’t require you to have hosting and you’re going to stay away from those.

There are several reasons for this, but the number one reason is that when you set up a blog on a free hosted platform, it’s not yours.  When you host your wordpress blog yourself you own it.  No one can take it away from you.

Imagine this, you start a blog on a free hosted platform, you work hard a putting out great valuable content.  You get to the point where you’re getting a couple of 1000 visitors a day, people are sharing your content you’re building a list (more on that in another post) life is good.

One day you go to your computer to log into your blog and it’s gone, vanished, poof… well that’s what happened to more than 73,000 blogs last year with a popular free host blog site.  The site was shut down because of an FBI investigation into related terrorist activities.  You see, with those types of sites you have no idea what other people are doing, when you host your own blog, you are in control.

Another benefit of setting up a wordpress blog is it’s…

WordPress has thousands of plugins that allow you to do pretty much whatever you want to do with it.  If you can write and email or word document then you can build and make posts in wordpress.

Changing the look and feel can be done with a few clicks of the mouse.  There are many free themes that do just that and when it is correctly optimized it can create a flood of FREE traffic to your site.

WordPress is much easier and more operational than simple html pages and with the correct plugin configuration, it makes it easy to optimize correctly for Google.

Most people have no idea how to get the best results from wordpress.  People find a free video on Youtube or somewhere else on how to install and set up a blog, but 90% of them are not optimized correctly to generate traffic.

Keep following this blog and check out my other posts on wordpress and you’ll find valuable tips on plugins, themes and much, much more.

I hope by now you realize the many benefits of having your own wordpress blog and if you need help setting yours up and don’t know where to begin then you need to check out the WordPress Traffic Formula course for step by step videos on setting up and configuring your blog the correct way from the start.

To your massive network marketing success,

Stop banging your head on the wall trying to configure and setup a wordpress blog.  There’s an easier way.  Make the Decision, Right Now, that you’re going to do what it takes to do it correctly. There’s a simple way  to configure and setup a wordpress blog that will allow you to generate free leads every day for your business. Unless of course you already have too many leads. Then, in that case, good for you, Go get em. If Not – Click Here to Find Out How

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Ed Reiner

Ed Reiner

CEO Massive Results Media and Founder of Mind Stuff

Ed Reiner is a husband, a dad of three wonderful girls, and a personal development geek. After losing everything (except his loved ones) in 2007, he discovered the teachings of Bob Proctor, Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, and the list goes on and on. After years of study, he shares the principles he’s learned and continues learning to reach his goals for happiness health, and wealth. He hopes this “Mind Stuff” will inspire others to make a positive change in their lives as well.

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