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The 8 Essential Principles that Unlock The Secret to Having an Outrageously Profitable Business.

Attraction marketing is a form of marketing very popular on the internet, especially with home business owners and online marketers, where as prospects and customers are “attracted” to you like a magnet instead of you having to go after them.  Instead of chasing down family and friends, buying genealogy list and making cold calls, instead of banging your head against the wall frustrated trying to find people, they find you.

You become very magnetic and attractive and in a sense YOU become the hunted instead of the hunter.  Prospects and customers seek you out because they like you.  These people know, like and trust you before, many times; you physically talk to them.  When you’re in this position, doing business becomes easy – you’re already dealing with someone that you’ve built a relationship with.

Attraction marketing is not new by any means; it actually works in harmony with the Natural Laws of the Universe.  The term “Attraction Marketing” was coined by Mike Dillard who, for 6 years struggled to build his network marketing business, going into debt, pawning his valuables for food when he gained an awareness of the art and science of attraction marketing.  Mike took his awareness of what he learned applied it to his own business then he put it into a simple and easy to understand way for everyone and called Magnetic Sponsoring.

Now, earlier I mentioned that people do business with those they know, like and trust and with attraction marketing these people are already at these stages when they contact you for business, how?

A Simplistic Rundown of How Attraction Marketing Works

So, let’s take a look at how this process works.  Let’s say Bill is frustrated with his current situation.  He’s tired of his job, the lack of money he’s earning, the time he has to spend away from his family and kids.  A good friend of tells him that he has a friend who has quit his job and is a independent distributor for this company called “XYZ Sciences”  Bill who’s looking to create a new future for himself and his family goes on the internet to check it out.

Bill goes to Google and does a search on “XYZ Sciences” and a bunch of results come back.  He clicks on one that is a review about “XYZ Sciences” it is a blog post by John.  Bill reads the post and sees that John is offering to give Bill a free report on the “Top 10 things to Look Out  for When Researching a Network Marketing Company”.  Bill submits his name and email and receives the report which he finds very valuable.

Over the next several days Bill receives more valuable information from John.  He gets to know him, like him and trust him.  Finally Bill decides to call John and ask what he’s doing.  After John discovers Bills wants are, he sees that Bill is a perfect fit for the company he’s a distributor with “ZYX Network”.  Bill sees John as a leader and someone who can help guide him to success so Bill forgets about “XYZ Sciences”   and joins John with “ZYX Network”.

The Mechanics of it All

What John did was create an attraction marketing system for Bill to go through and automated the process of building a relationship with him before ever speaking.

John’s system is simple.  He had a blog or website where he put valuable content which, through proper blogging and SEO methods, Bill found on Goggle.  John also had, on his blog, a way of giving Bill a free valuable report in exchange for bills name and email, so win-win.  When Bill gave is contact information he automatically went into John’s autoresponder, a email follow up system, that John had already written a series of emails with valuable content that builds the relationship.  These emails went out to bill on a predetermined schedule until Bill was ready to join and follow John.

Sounds simple, right?  It is…

however simple does not mean easy.

How am I Supposed to Set this Up?

Now if you’re reading this and thinking, great I have no idea how to do that or what to use.  It’s ok.  You can find lots of valuable information right here on my blog that goes into or will go into these things in greater detail, however there are attraction marketing system already for you to plug into with no knowledge of building blogs or websites or even writing email.  With some of them you can have your system up ready and receiving traffic within hours.  It truly is amazing.  I myself use one along with my own system which you’re on.  You can see the system I use here – Ed’s Attraction Marketing System of Choice

Attraction marketing is really marketing by Law, not by luck.

I sincerely hope that if, this is your first time hearing or reading about attraction marketing that I have helped raise your awareness to an amazing and rewarding way to build your network marketing business.  If you got value out of this, then pass it on and share it by clicking one of the share buttons to the left.

I could go on and on and deeper into this process unfortunately I don’t have the time at my command to do so, however if you still need a better understand of Attraction marketing then I highly suggest you pick up a copy of Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard.  It’s one of the first books I read on this subject and I highly recommend every network marketer read it, in fact your training library isn’t complete without it.

To your massive network marketing success,

Stop banging your head on the wall and struggling in your Network Marketing business. There’s an easier way. Make the Decision, Right Now, that you’re going to do what it takes to succeed. There’s a simple system that I and many top producers use to generate free leads every day for our business. Unless of course you already have too many leads. Then, in that case, good for you, Go get em. If Not – Click Here For Instant Access

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Ed Reiner

Ed Reiner

CEO Massive Results Media and Founder of Mind Stuff

Ed Reiner is a husband, a dad of three wonderful girls, and a personal development geek. After losing everything (except his loved ones) in 2007, he discovered the teachings of Bob Proctor, Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, and the list goes on and on. After years of study, he shares the principles he’s learned and continues learning to reach his goals for happiness health, and wealth. He hopes this “Mind Stuff” will inspire others to make a positive change in their lives as well.

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